Wednesday 13 June 2007

Day Thirty Two Friday 15th June 2007

Forecast for today: Friday
Fine. A mainly sunny day. Light wind tending east to southeasterly.
Precis: Fine.
City: Min 4 Max 16

Final Friday! Last day of the challenge, and what a challenge it has been, cold weather, rain, tiredness, near misses, trikes breaking, abusive motorists, and the challenge of trying to get people to participate.

TGD again today, but not as cold as yesterday. The fog is holding in some warmth. It is probably only 1 or 2 degrees difference, but the great thing about being on the bike is that you do become a whole lot more intimate with your environment and the changes in it. I leave early again today, I'll do my workout at the gym at work. It is really peaceful and beautiful riding in the fog. There doesn't seem to be much traffic, perhaps people are staying home because of the cold and fog. Ah the fog, it really turns everything into a fairy tale kind of picture, the soft focus lens on life. You can see why Doris Day required all her close ups to be shot through a soft focus lens. It gives the best possible impression. Even if the reality is about a cold, harsh, climate, not that I am saying that about Doris Day!

The sunny day forecast never eventuates and the fog hangs in the air all day.

This picture is taken shortly after my arrival at work, in the same place as yesterday's picture, just to give you an idea of how heavy the fog was. In fact strangely it seemed thicker the closer into the city centre I got?

On the way home in the fog. There seemed to be a whole lot more cars than normal. It was bumper to bumper, with the Christmas light effect looking even better in the fog. I played "how many cars can I pass". I counted 65.

Now I just have to think about how I will write the essay?

Day Thirty One Thursday 14th June 2007

Forecast for today: Thursday
Fine. Sunny periods with a light to moderate southeast wind.
Precis: Fine.
City: Min 6 Max 14

It was a TGD* this morning. Very crisp and clear, I am told it is caused by the lack of cloud to hold in the heat. This can be seen in the photo from my workplace window, taken as soon as I arrived. This is how the morning went. Come to first back street round about in the half morning light. Have all my lights on, head light, front flashing light, rear flashing light, wearing bright jacket. Enter it, and nearly get cut off by driver who wasn't even looking, if I had been further into the round about he would have ended up with my chain ring in the side of his car. If I had been a car he would have ended up in a crash.

It is biting cold on my face, pedal pedal, try to stay warm. Hands are cold especially were there is a hole in one finger, pedal, pedal try to stay warm. My ears are burning , not because anyone is talking about me, but with cold.

Stop, put my collar up and seal the front of my jacket up, nose sticking out, warm breath changes what I feel on my face and nose. Ah! relief. Legs keep pumping, little toe in my right foot seems to be going numb, wiggle, wiggle, that's better. Torso feels warm.

Past the park, frost on the ground, frost on the cars. Deceptively beautiful soft cloud blanketing the park, belying the cold that has caused it to form. Looks like down, looks inviting. Past lots of cars 40 km an hour now, getting closer to the city, traffic slowing, hands feel warm. The traffic is now bumper to bumper, stop, start.

I feel the cold, chilling, uncomfortable sweat on my torso. Not far to work. My cold and sore throat starting to get to me, feel like I am drowning in my own snot! Yuck! Arrive at work 24 minutes travel time. Up to the gym to stretch out and into the shower. Feels great. Tomorrow is the last day of the challenge, looking forward to it!

*See yesterday's blog to find out what TGD means.

Casey's story- On Tuesday the 12th Casey went car free, Casey is 10.
I rode to mum's work, it was easy, it isn't very far, it wasn't very cold. I saw trees and people and cars. After, I rode with mum and her friend Ian when they went for a run around the park. I rode my bike like a coach helping them to train.

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Day Thirty Wednesday 13th June 2007

Forecast for today: Wednesday
Showers with possible local hail. A mostly cloudy day with fresh and gusty southerly winds.

Precis: Showers. Local hail. Gusty southerlies.
City: Min 8 Max 13

No hail today, which was great! But it as far as the thermometer went it was a TGD* cold. Which as you already know is considerably colder than DGD*, which in turn is lower than SGD*. It hasn't been a NGD* for a long time and now with the onset of winter, it feels like it will be a while before that happens. The ride to work was quick and smooth despite the cold. Again it was a wet morning, no worries about going over in the wet when on the trike.

*TGD = Triple Glove Day, other wise known as jeez it's bloody freezing
*DGD = Double Glove Day, also known as, jeez its a bit cold
*SGD = Single Glove Day, oft described as, It's a bit of a cool today
*NGD = No Glove Day, other wise known as a bloody hot day

Today was a try a trike day at work and I had a couple of people who had a go in our car park.
They seem to like it.

This was what Matt said - Too much fun for words, sign me up!

This is what Lois said - Surprisingly easy. Even for a non bike rider!

Another car free day experience.
Matt's story
Started with a 10 minute work to the train station (a bit chilly but that just got me walking faster to get to the station). Arrived and waited 2-4 minutes and hoped aboard the stopping all stations towards Flinders Street Station. (no dramas - can't believe the train ran to schedule). A quick change and onto Glenferrie Station (on an express train to boot). Getting there was easier than the usual stop start of the traffic. Coming home at 6 pm via reverse trip was thankfully uneventful (did have a 12 minute wait at Flinders Street Station for a train but it happens). Home to the heater to warm up. Overall- surprisingly quick and not to crowded.